Friday, March 23, 2018

Forex Trend Profit Indicator

This trading system employs the use of trading along trends in the market. Both the forex profit and the half trend -1.02 indicators show the trend of the market. Therefore by combining the two indicators gives the trader more confidence in the market trend especially if the two indicators gives the same signal.
The forex trend profit indicator gives its signals by using a blue and a red arrow. It is usually effective during short term trading. The blue signal indicates a signal to buy and the red arrow shows it’s time to sell. This indicator also detects when the market is just about to revers and alerts the trader in case he has an open trade that was running following the present trend. However since this indicator isn’t so accurate when employed alone, it is thus advisable to use another indicator in combination with it.
Forex trend profit indicator
In this article we will, explain how to use this indicator together with the half trend indicator-1.02. The half trend indicator 1.02 also shows the market trends. It forms a blue arrow to indicate an uptrend and a red arrow to show a downtrend.
Half trend indicator v1.02

When to sell and buy
By combining the two indicators, the trader is assured of 100% profit if he opens a trade following simmlilar signals by the two indicators.

The Forex Trend Profit indicator is some how reluctant to give its signals. If you have a look at the above chart you will noytice that the half trend indicator has shown very many sell and and buy indicators before the forex trend indicator shows any. However as a trader you should learn to be patient if you don’t want to gamble as you trade.
  • Opening a buy position: the trader is supposed to place a buy order when both the Forex Trend Profits and the half trend 1.02 indicators forms blue arrows. By this then you can be reall sure that the trend indication isnt fake.
  • Opening a sell position: the trader is supposed to place a sell order when both the Forex Trend Profits and the half trend 1.02 indicators forms red arrows. By this then you can be reall sure that the trend indication isnt fake.
Once the orders are places, the the trader should either use stops to close the trades or wait until there is a signal of trend reversal by any of the indicator espetailly the fores trend profit indicator. You should be careful to not when closing the trade order you should not wait for both indicators to show a reverse in the trend unless you had planed to insert a long term oder. Closing the trade when only one indictor indicates so will ensure that you get better profit.if you wait for both to give the signal so that you may close, then you may end up closing the trade with very little profits since the market will have retraced substancially by then.
For example if as per the above chart the trader should close the order a when the blue Forex Trend arrow forms.
Forex_trend_Profit  and Half_trend v1.02 . rar

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